Body Types

Different bodies require different diets. It’s not rocket science – just facts. Your body shape is one of the main determinants of what type of diet will work for you. It can pinpoint what food to stay clear of, how many calories to consume, and what to focus on when exercising.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pounds that are taken off gradually are more likely to stay off than those that are shed very fast. When you drop weight too quickly, especially with diabetes, you risk suffering from certain health complications that often require high levels of dietary restrictions and may lead to acute diabetes complications.

Take our personal assessment quiz to configure a meal and activity plan that will fit your requirements perfectly — starting from your diabetes type to food no-no’s and unique preferences.

Living with diabetes can get complicated. Make it simple with MyDiabetes, the leading app to manage it all.

1 661 830 Lost Pounds in 2020!

Reconceptualized and updated for a healthier and happier year ahead!

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